Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Catcher in the Rye Dialogue Journal

Note: Choose a partner that you trust. You will journal with each other about The Catcher in the Rye. It is very important that both partners fulfill their responsibility to journal or you both will get a lowered grade due to less dialogue in your dialogue journal.

Here is what you do:
  • Write a journal of about 1/2 to 3/4 of a page long.
  • You can ask questions, write about their thoughts on Holden or the other characters Holden interacts with. You may write about the themes or the actions of the book. You may agree or disagree with Holden's thoughts. You may ask literary questions about the characters motivations. Basically, you need to react to what you read.
  • Your partner then reads this journal and responds. Write about what the first person journaled about either commenting, agreeing, or disagreeing with the journal. Then add your own ideas and thoughts so we can continue the process of responding to the text. This journal should be about 1/2 a page to 3/4 of a page as well. Make sure you give this back to the first journal-er and so on.
  • You will then respond to your partner's journal when he/she is responding to your journal. Each journal will then be a page to a page and a half long.
  • You should have at least 8 entries per person. You may choose to write shorter but more frequent journals. This is fine as well as you are responding to the text. Also, you may journal via e-mail as long as you follow the same criteria and you print the emails out to turn in.
  • The final journal should have minimum: 8 entries per person, 8 pages in length. These journals do not need to be typed but they must be legible for me to grade them. You will be graded on the depth of insights and the ideas generated.


Zoe2424 said...

What exactly is the homework for the weekend?

L. M. Peifer said...

1) Reply to your partner's dialogue journal from chapters 1-3.

2) Read chapter 4-6.

3) Take notes on the characters as you read.

4) Write in the dialogue journal your reactions from chapters 4-6.