Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Challenge Projects for The Catcher in the Rye

All final assignments must be typed. Proposals must be typed. Look at the calendar for the due date. If you fail to turn in a proposal, a project will not be accepted. NO proposal or Challenge Project is EVER accepted late.

Choose ONE of the following topics for your challenge project:

1. Write a description of Holden through the eyes of a female his age. Use Holdenese. 3-4 pages minimum.
2. Draw a portrait of Holden or any other character in Catcher. Explain the technique used to convey your subject’s personality in a 1-2-page essay.
3. Write a paper describing the political climate of the fifties. Mention political slogans, presidential accomplishments, and legislative triumphs. 3-4 page minimum.
4. Create a video of TV segments reflecting the values of the fifties. Explain these values and Holden’s reactions to them.
5. Dress dolls in fashions of the fifties. Explain how these fashions reflect values/ life of the time in a two to three page essay.
6. Draw, exhibit photos, or show models of cars from the fifties. Explain how these cars influenced or reflected fifties’ values.
7. Play live or taped music of the fifties. Explain how the music reflects or influenced the fifties.
8. Video a scene from Catcher, using narration to represent Holden’s thoughts.
9. Serve the class popular foods of the fifties. Explain their social significance in a two to three page essay.
10. Video Central through the eyes of Holden. Narrate in Holdenese.
11. Keep a journal in Holdenese, covering one day in your life. Two to three page minimum.
12. Write a paper on the standards of censorship, comparing censorship in the fifties and censorship today.
13. Visit a treatment center for today’s teenagers and compare the services available now with the services available to Holden. Two to three page minimum.
14. Write a paper determining what parts of Holden and J. D. Salinger’s life are the same. Explain how these things are autobiographical to J. D. Salinger in a three to four page essay.
15. Write a three to four page paper explaining how Catcher would be different if written from the point of view of a female.
16. Teach the class two favorite dances from the fifties.
17. Analyze the words from three songs of the fifties. Explain how these songs reflect the values/life of this time.
18. Develop ten questions based on Holden’s viewpoint. Interview someone who was a teenager in the fifties. Do their views match Holden’s? Why or why not? Total of three to four pages minimum.
19. Rent Thirty-Nine Steps. Evaluate the film in Holdenese. Two to three page minimum.
20. Design your own challenge project. Must be pre-approved by Ms. Peifer.
21. Design a poll to reflect student and adult reactions to Catcher. Summarize your conclusions, trying to determine reasons for your findings.
22. Write a book review for Central’s school paper. Submit a copy to the paper as well as a copy to Ms. Peifer.
23. Compare/contrast the beginning of David Copperfield with Catcher. Why does Salinger mention David Copperfield? Three to four pages.

1 comment:

amie said...

Ms. Peifer,

I'll be in class tommorrow because I'm not going on the field trip no more. So then I can present my project then.
