Friday, November 16, 2007

If you missed the notes on Freud...

• Background info: Sigmund Freud 1856-1939
• Developed techniques of psychoanalysis
• March 12, 1938: German troops marched into Austria and Nazis assumed power
• June 4, allowed through numerous international interventions, to emigrate to London with wife, youngest daughter, and two other people.
• Notes on conscious, preconscious, unconscious
• Conscious: what you are aware of at any particular moment: your present perceptions, memories, thoughts, feelings.
• Preconscious: works closely with conscious, "available memory", anything that can easily be made conscious, the memories you are not at the moment thinking about but can readily bring to mind.
• Unconscious: all things that are not easily available to awareness. Instincts, drives, and things that we can't bear to look at such as memories and emotions associated with trauma. Source of our motivations. We are often driven to deny or resist becoming conscious of these motives, and they are often available to us only in disguised form.
• Notes on id, ego, and superego
• Physical needs as base.
• Id: fully unconscious, full of wishes or instincts, motivational forces. Primary process: need to wish. Pleasure principle: demand to take care of needs immediately.
• Ego: Mostly conscious, problem solving id's desire = secondary process, reason, Reality Principle: take care of what I need when it is appropriate. Mediates Id and superego.
• Superego: Record obstacles and aides in world, rewards and punishments, mom and dad's rules, society and its norms, internal moral judge, pertly conscious, 7 years old (generally) when this is developed, some people it is never completed. Recorded in two parts: 1) Conscience: internalization of punishment and warnings, 2) ego ideal: rewards and positive models. Communication to ego: feelings like pride, shame, guilt, etc.
• Find evidence from the book of how Ralph, Piggy, and Jack represents the Ego, Superego, and Id, respectively.

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