Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lord of the Flies Paper Assignment

The Assignment:
Choose two to three characters from the novel Lord of the Flies. Explain the character relationships with each other. Explain the conflicts and why they develop. Use textual evidence to support your ideas.

Follow the steps below to write your paper. After completing each step, get it checked off with Ms. Peifer. You will turn this check in sheet in with your paper so do not lose it!

Step One: Write your thesis __________________________

Step Two: Include your thesis in an introductory paragraph that introduces all the main points of your paper. __________________________

Step Three: Write your paper. Make sure that each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence, states a claim, and then has evidence from the text to support your claim.

Step Four: Write your conclusion. __________________________

Step Five: Edit your paper. Correct any spelling errors, punctuation problems, and any other errors. Make sure all first and second person references are taken out. __________________________

Step Six: Draft your final paper. __________________________

Step One: Write your thesis __________________________

Step Two: Include your thesis in an introductory paragraph that introduces all the main points of your paper. __________________________

Step Three: Write your paper. Make sure that each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence, states a claim, and then has evidence from the text to support your claim.

Step Four: Write your conclusion. __________________________

Step Five: Edit your paper. Correct any spelling errors, punctuation problems, and any other errors. Make sure all first and second person references are taken out. __________________________

Step Six: Draft your final paper. __________________________


maurice said...

what wil happen if mauric dosen't turn this assignment in on time? agin this is his mother

L. M. Peifer said...

He can turn it in one week after the due date--but only for half credit, so it is very important to turn it in on time.

Ms. Peifer